C-Star: City Flotilla keeps fascists at bay from Catania

After the arrest of the captain investigated for human trafficking the fascist crew keeps sailing through perilous waters!
Following the news of the landing in Catania of the nazifascist boat C-Star, the antiracist organizations in the city immediately mobilized with protests and demonstrations.
One of the initiatives in this regard “City Flotilla, taking the sea against racism”, was held today, organized by the Avaaz international movement and by the Canoeing Club of Catania. A hundred of boats (canoes, kayaks, motorboats and sailboats) sailed off from the Molo di Levante and were joined in the sea by many pedalos who departed from the free Playa beach. It was actually in the beach that a parallel demonstration was held, in order to raise awareness through the beach-goers. The goal was to symbolically block the entrance of the port to the extreme-right boat,
whose arrival is not certain at all right now, considering the disorganization of this fascist attempt and its recent hardships in Cyprus’ waters.
Once again the city expressed its dissent against the operations of Generazione Identitaria’s naziboat. The strong pressure in Catania already brought the institutions to take a clear stance against Defend Europe’s activities trying to repel migrants from the Mediterranean sea, denying their landing at the port. There was also a large number of sportsmen, from the older to the younger, that in the demonstration today were ready to row in order to show an ever multiracial Catania (as Sicily in general is), a land that always hosted many peoples. “Stop the attack on refugees” was the banner opened in the sea: a welcoming message and a warning to fascists.
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