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Greek crisis, a new stage of the plans of structural adjustment – Interview with George Caffentzis

  You are American, but of Greek origin. Every year you spend some time in this land. What are the differences in the conditions of life that you have noted in the course of your stays in Greece, and how have these worsened with the passing of the years? I’ve been coming to Greece since […]

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Grexit, first Act

by Raffaele Sciortino   [ITA] It was easy to expect that they would have made the Greeks pay for OXI, and so was it. In the light of the most harsh outcome of the “negotiation” between the Greek government and the Eurogroup, the discussion now revolves around pro- and anti-Tsipras stances – has he betrayed […]

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Greece, austerity and the questions to pose

With respect to Athens, for those who look to it, feel empathy and see there an unfolding development, the day of Wednesday maybe contributed to “get the feet back on the ground”. The reunions of Syriza, the “Coalition of the Radical Left”, divide and break themselves, and its project seems to collapse, crushed by the […]

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Syriza and social movements: between big risks and some opportunities. Interview with AK Athens

Infoaut: Now that Syriza seem to have conquered the majority of the seats in the Greek Parliament, what should we expect as the first moves of the new government? Where will the pivotal focuses of intervention take place, also according to debate of the latest days of electoral campaign? Which issues will be given priority, […]