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Egypt: The self-management of Port Said and the workers’ struggles

  Translation by   An unprecedented situation is taking place in the city of Port Said – complete self-management, a rejection of everything that authority represents. It is a situation that the main actors in the Egyptian struggle at this time – the workers – are trying to reproduce in other cities too. Port […]

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Knowledge within and against the Crisis

Original document here     For a snapshot of the crisis   The world appears more and more multi-polar and in the grip of latent tensions of war, with an underlying crisis whose intensity is a known and by now systemic fact and no longer even doubted by the professionals of mainstream communication. Still, we […]

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Μια ανταπόκριση από Αίγυπτο, τους αγώνες και την αυτοδιεύθυνση στο Πορτ Σάιδ

Το Πορτ Σάιδ έχει περιέλθει ολοκληρωτικά στα χέρια του λαού. Στην είσοδο της πόλης, εκεί που πρηγουμένως υπήρχε ένα μπλόκο της αστυνομίας, τώρα οι κάτοικοι έχουν οργανώσει ένα δικό τους σημείο ελέγχου, αποτελούμενο κυρίως από απεργούς εργάτες, που ονομάζουν τους εαυτούς τους “λαϊκή αστυνομία”. Το ίδιο ισχύει όσον αφορά την κίνηση: δεν υπάρχουν πουθενά τροχονόμοι, […]

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Acabadas las elecciones, muchas palabras se han consumido para comentar un éxito que puede aparecer como un levantamiento, pero de todas maneras bastante previsible. Se va descubriendo que este país es ingubernable por las instituciones, o sea que el sistema político ha fallecido, y está en implosión.Lo que es cierto es que en Italia se […]

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Italy: is the political system liquefying?

Now that the ballots are closed, too many words are being wasted on commenting the results as a sort of upheval although it was easily predictable. This country is clearly ungovernable or, in other words, this political system is failing – it is imploding. One thing is certain: a great refusal of the political institutions […]

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NoMuos: between subjection and sovereignty, the movement holds on

  The Muos (Mobile User Objective System) event is bringing along plenty of political matters. Or, more precisely, the social opposition to the building of the Muos in South-Eastern Sicily is raising a large number of matters, and it is gaining force in its development over the years. Now that  this issue  has (thanks to […]

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Trans-national movements in the capitalist crisis. The provincialization of the euro-crisis in an antagonist geopolitics, between insurrections and early autonomous institutions

Talk by Laboratorio Occupato Crash social centre at Counterpower In The Crisis, national meeting of Italian autonomous collectives, activists and social centres in Bologna last October 13-14th – original text here   In order to introduce the workshop day of our meeting with the talk dedicated to “Trans-national movements in the capitalist crisis. The provincialization […]

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Hasta Siempre, Prospero

Geboren 1951 in Reggio Emilia, entwickelt er sich in den Reihen der Italienischen Kommunistischen Jugendföderation (FGCI). Militanter der Roten Brigaden von ihrem Beginn bis zu ihrem Ende im Laufe des Jahres 1988. Er verbüßte eine Strafe von dreimal lebensdlänglich. Verhaftet 1974, ausgebrochen 1977, wieder verhaftet 1979, verbrachte er 17 Jahre seines Lebens im Gefängnis, ohne […]

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The decline of the White House’s smart /soft power: when the liberal ideology of the web collapses

Talk by media activist Infofreeflow focus group at Counterpower In The Crisis, national meeting of Italian autonomous collectives, activists and social centres in Bologna last October 13-14th   We devised this presentation in an effort to share as widely as possibile a series of political and cultural indications stemming from from the last two years […]

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  In the past year 2012 Italy experienced a revival of social conflict, from the No Tav (high-speed railway) popular movement in Piedmont to the Ikea logistics’ workers pickets, from the secondary school occupations to the European social strike of November 14 and beyond. A new generation of youths, students, migrants, precarious workers and exploited […]