Τις τελευταίες 15 μέρες στη Βραζιλία, εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι ξεχύθηκαν στους δρόμους διάφορων πόλεων ενάντια στην αύξηση της τιμής των εισιτηρίων των δημόσιων τοπικών συγκοινωνιών. Οι συγκεκριμένες διαδηλώσεις χαρακτηριστήκαν από μια αποφασιστικότητα και μια συγκρουσιακότητα που έδωσαν ζωή σε βίαιες συγκρούσεις, οι οποίες απαντήθηκαν με σκληρή καταστολή. Στην αύξηση των τιμών των εισιτηρίων των δημόσιων […]
One of the most widespread illnesses, intrinsic to the explosion of the global communication fluxes, is “recentism”. With this term, we define a process for the formation of knowledge lacking a long – term historical perspective or strongly influenced by a recent attention wave provoked by the media. The infection is viral and curiously it […]
17th May. At dawn the Roman DA Office and the CNAIPIC[1] kick off operation “Tangodown” against some alleged members of Anonymous Italy: four people end up under house arrest, while six others are searched by police and dozens of computers and IT devices are sequestered by security forces. All those people are charged with […]
“To walk toward the good, the just, the true, to fight for the good, the just, the true, to seize the good, the just, the true.” It was a symbolic act in the name of the Piazza Verdi liberation, and to solidarize with the people resisting and fighting in Turkey at the same time. […]
On May 27, a few collectives in Istanbul put up the first tents in order to resist the demolition of Gezi Park at Taksim Square. On the same day, students together with workers in Verdi Square in Bologna put up barricades in order to defend an assembly that risks eviction by the police and carabinieri. […]
More coverage and footage in the Italian section and on the Word Riots 24/h facebook page (thanks for the pic, guys!;) Yesterday in Bologna an open public assembly was called up by the Autonomous University Collective (CUA) in the bustling heart of the university area – the central Piazza Verdi. Its aim was to […]
As a recompositive potentiality – driven by struggles for income and fulfillment of partisan needs – emerged in Italy on #19A, between Ljubljana and Maribor the contributions of the delegations of the movements against austerity and crisis – gathered at the 2013 Hub Meeting – followed each other. In Italy the issue of income […]
Looking forward to the next day of struggle of the logistics’ workers on 15M, which will be a part of the transnational European and Mediterranean social strike, we present here our translation of a documentary made by Maria Elena Scandaliato, a freelance reporter, during the earlier mobilizations in March. A situation of tension and worsening […]
Article original ici Traduction: http://communismeouvrier.wordpress.com/ Si Luigi Preiti s’était suicidé, en se pendant dans la cave de la maison de ses parents ( car de maison il n’en n’avait plus), il aurait tout simplement été un nombre supplémentaire dans une statistique qui tend à augmenter semaine après semaine : celle des désespérés qui remettent […]
Original editorial in Italian If Luigi Preiti was to commit suicide, hanging himself in his parents’ house cellar (he did not have his own house anymore), he would have been simply some additional figure in a trend growing week after week: that of the desperate people that leave to the extreme action the […]