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#OpIsrael reloaded: «TelAviv is not invulnerable». Chatting with digital intifada

  Original article here   Shortly after a conflict a war of numbers always bursts. OpIsrael’s second part doesn’t seem an exception to this rule. How many websites were overran by the wave of cyber – attacks that Anonymous unleashed against Israeli IT infrastructures since 7 April? Has it really been a failure as Tel […]

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Hub Meeting 2013 Common Statement #HM2013

Common Statement Maribor – Ljubljana Hub Meeting 2013   Hub Meeting 2013 Maribor ‐ Ljubljana is the continuation of a European movements meetings process. We shared our experiences around five topics: governance of the city; knowledge; migration; women, crisis and radical social care; and the constituent process. Starting from our local differences we talked about […]

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March of discontent: lessons in work struggles

Original article here Previous editorial by Translation by ItalyCalling (@ItalyCalling) Logistics workers strike Block the goods, generalise the struggle, united we win!   The working class is awakening, and the mobilisations of the last few days among the logistics sector workers in Emilia Romagna are the first signs.  Recently, we have seen two different […]

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March 22nd: if the strike really starts working

Original statement here   Logistics workers, students and activists gathered in front of  factories and warehouses on  Wednesday, the 22nd of March, for a 24 hours general strike of the Logistics sector in Italy.The strike was called at a time when the logistics workers have been protesting for several months against their own labour conditions […]

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Hub Meeting Ljubljana – Maribor: Call for participation

Uprisings against austerity and corruption are engulfing Europe and the Mediterranean. After Arab springs, occupations of squares in Spain, mass protests against austerity in Portugal and Italy, and dramatic resistance to the European crisis dictatorship in Greece, uprisings are virulently breaking out across Eastern Europe, most notably in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.   Uprisings across […]

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Μιλάνο, 16.3.2013: 10 χρόνια από τη δολοφονία του αντιφασίστα-αντικαπιταλιστή Dax

Να μιλήσουμε για τον Dax σημαίνει να διηγηθούμε τη δική μας ιστορία, μια ιστορία φτιαγμένη από νίκες και ήττες. Αυτό που μένει είναι η αξιοπρέπεια. Η αξιοπρέπεια των προλετάριων που επιλέγουν να αγωνιστούν ενάντια στη αδικία, ξεκινώντας από τα χειροπιαστά πράγματα, από την καθημερινότητα της δράσης μας, εκεί που μια πράξη έχει μεγαλύτερη αξία από […]

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Organic to governability?

Original statement here What will we do with intellectuals? The question aims not to be a provocation, or a threat. We do not want to send any book to the stake, or to limit anyone’s freedom of expression – even though, as someone said, we should rather seek freedom from the expression (of the mainstream […]

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Ägypten: Die Selbstverwaltung von Port Said und die Arbeiter_innenkämpfe

Übersetzung durch Libertäre Aktion Winterthur. [Italienisch] Eine noch nie dagewesene Situation besteht derzeit in der Stadt Port Said – komplette Selbstverwaltung, die Zurückweisung von allem, was die Autorität repräsentiert. Es ist eine Situation, die die Hauptakteure – im ägyptischen Kampf derzeit die Arbeiter_innen – versuchen auch in anderen Städten zu reproduzieren. Port Said ist jetzt […]

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Egipto: La autogestión de Port Said y la lucha obrera

Traducciòn de Un hecho sin precedentes está teniendo lugar en la ciudad de Port Said: Una completa autogestión, un rechazo de todo lo que representa la autoridad. Una realidad que los protagonistas de las luchas egipcias de estos momentos, los obreros, están tratando de reproducir incluso en otras ciudades. Port Said se ha convertido […]

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Égypte: L’autogestion de Port-Saïd et les luttes ouvrières

Article original ici Traduction: XYZ pour OCLibertaire   Une réalité sans précédent se déroule dans la ville de Port-Saïd : une autogestion complète, un rejet de tout ce qui représente l’autorité. Une réalité que les protagonistes de la lutte égyptienne en ce moment – les travailleurs – cherchent à reproduire dans d’autres villes. Port-Saïd est devenu […]