The composition seen in Frankfurt on March 18, both in the morning of action and blockades and in the march that paraded from the Romemberg in the afternoon, was an heterogeneous, mostly juvenile and precarious one that managed to carry out most of its goals through the morning, in a convergent though fragmentary way. We […]
Durant la matinée d’actions et blocages et ensuite pendant le cortège qui a défilé du Romerberg dans l’après-midi, on a vu à Francfort une composition hétérogène, principalement juvénile et précaire. Celle-ci est arrivée dans la plupart des cas à atteindre pendant la matinée ses objectifs, d’une manière convergente quoique disorganique. C’est de là que nous […]
I grew in a working-class neighbourhood, one like any other. One of those neighbourhood in which there’s no light at night and in winter not even dogs come out, one of those neighbourhoods abandoned by transports, institutions, services, let alone with run-down streets and floods every month. In this neighbourhood I grew up and from […]
The spring of 2015 will see another symbolic landmark in European crisis policy emerge with the opening of the new European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt. The ceremony will allow the representatives of the European member-states to pat themselves on the back for their crisis-solutions whilst using the celebrations to prepare themselves (and us) for […]
A direct attack against housing struggles. Early this morning, police showed up in large numbers at the new housing occupation in via Benedetto Marcello-via Toselli corner. After the eviction was carried out, as the readily arrived solidarity picket was surging, rumors came about a massive police deployment close to via Baracca. At about 10 am […]
The reform of the ISEE (Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente) economic indicator, that after having been in existence for 17 years is headed towards a definitive change, does not prefigure anything good. The declared goal of the reform is the simplification of the fulfillments by some taxpayers categories, the reduction of tax-related errors and controls […]
Infoaut : Maintenant que Syriza semble avoir conquis la majorité des sièges au Parlement grec, que devrions-nous attendre des premiers pas du nouveau gouvernement ? Quels seront les axes d’intervention, en lien avec les débats des derniers jours de la campagne électorale ? A quelles questions la priorité sera-t-elle accordée, internes ou internationales ? Spyros […]
Was it an unavoidable rise? No, it was not. A mix of internal organization and failure of other institutional opposition parties’ paved the way to the League comeback. Between 2011 and 2012 the party was rocked by the demise of the Berlusconi government and by a string of scandals revolving around graft, embezzlement and nepotism […]
En otros lugares se dan al menos un par de interpretaciones. La primera es más estrictamente económica y ve esta bajada en función de la disminución de la demanda mundial debido al estancamiento de la economía occidental y a la ralentización de los BRICS y teniendo en contra un incremento de la oferta también por […]
In den vergangenen Tagen wurde er mehrere Male aus dem künstlichen Koma geholt, er wird jedoch weiter sediert, weil er beim Erwachen jedes Mal extrem unruhig war. Was die Sehschäden betrifft, scheint die ürsprünglich negative Prognose, die um eine Schädigung des Sehnervs bangen ließen relativiert, die Ärzte hoffen, dass es Emilio doch noch gelingt, das […]