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Malarazza Occupied Student House was born in Palermo!

“We won a battle, but not yet the war. After we was certain that renovation works will start again at the Hotel Patria and that it will really become an university student house, we keep emphasizing the issue of neglected spaces in the city, which are really too many. Above all, on those spaces that, […]

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From Greece: Freedom for the Turin 6!

Source: In the morning of the 2nd of September a police operation kicked off in Turin, leading to the arrest of 6 comrades of the Askatasuna social centre. The charges refer to the march last March 28 during the speech by fascist Northern League secretary. On that date police stopped the march violently using […]

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6 arrests in Turin for the march against Matteo Salvini

In Turin, as it happened in many other cities with the #MaiConSalvini [Never with Salvini, a play of words on the opposite #NoiConSalvini – us with Salvini – slogan (TN)] slogan, a city march in order to reject the presence of Salvini and his leagueist and neofascist entourage was called in the week before the […]

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Degage occupied student house evicted in Rome

  The Digos along with some agents entered the building by climbing over the fence in order to then facilitate the eviction. At the time of the raid 18 comrades were inside; they were identified in the court yard of the occupied building and brought to the Porta Pia police station were they were indicted […]

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No Muos August 8: the fences are cut down!

This afternoon at 3pm the march, scheduled during the August 6-9 No Muos Camp, started from the gathering point in Contrada Ulmo in front of the permanent picket. Today more than 500 people crossed the sughereta [cork oak forest – TN] to attend the usual Summer event; in order to warm up today’s march, several […]

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Greek crisis, a new stage of the plans of structural adjustment – Interview with George Caffentzis

  You are American, but of Greek origin. Every year you spend some time in this land. What are the differences in the conditions of life that you have noted in the course of your stays in Greece, and how have these worsened with the passing of the years? I’ve been coming to Greece since […]

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Η τάξη δεν βασιλεύει στην Αθήνα

6 ιουλίου ‘15 Μια απελευθέρωση ενεργειών, ένα μικρό μεγάλο όχι συντακτικό: η ελληνική ψήφος έφερε σε μιαν Ευρώπη ασφυκτική, προσκολλημένη στο status quo, ένα τμήμα Λατινικής Αμερικής. Με αυτό δεν έσπασε την απομόνωση της ελληνικής αντίστασης, δεν μπορεί μόνη της, αλλά  -πάθος ενάντια στον εκβιασμό, αξιοπρέπεια ενάντια στον φόβο – πέταξε στα μούτρα όλων τις […]

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Grexit, first Act

by Raffaele Sciortino   [ITA] It was easy to expect that they would have made the Greeks pay for OXI, and so was it. In the light of the most harsh outcome of the “negotiation” between the Greek government and the Eurogroup, the discussion now revolves around pro- and anti-Tsipras stances – has he betrayed […]

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Greece, austerity and the questions to pose

With respect to Athens, for those who look to it, feel empathy and see there an unfolding development, the day of Wednesday maybe contributed to “get the feet back on the ground”. The reunions of Syriza, the “Coalition of the Radical Left”, divide and break themselves, and its project seems to collapse, crushed by the […]

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Eviction attempt in Turin against the families of the Spazio Popolare Neruda Occupato

In the early hours of the morning police surrounded the Spazio Popolare Neruda, the building that was occupied a couple of weeks ago by about thirty families under eviction, in order to proceed with the eviction. About thirty people, among which ten little children or so, were inside the building – a former school that […]