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Vengeance de Classe

Cameron avait annoncé qu’il n’y aurait pas de pitié, et la pitié – obéissante – a decidé de s’enfouir sous terre, alors que les tribunaux restaient ouverts toute la nuit pour juger les 2300 arrêtés pendant les émeutes. Les jugements ont été lourds. “Exemplaires”, selon la définition des journaux. Pour le vol de deux bouteilles […]

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  From the right to escape to the right to resist. The corollary describes the movement of the working class which, when able and willing to do so, struggles and organizes by deploying conflict in the social territory of origin or, on the contrary, chooses to fight by organizing its movement, heading elsewhere [Y.M. Boutang] […]

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The historical moment in which Wikileaks (WL) acts is decisive: – it’s the moment of the crisis of the United States’ military, political, cultural and technological hegemony. The fall of the second Wall of the 20th century (‘Wall’ Street) replicates the calls for glasnost (“openness”) and perestrojka (“change”) because, even if within its neoliberalist characterization, […]

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Pour Vittorio, un camarade comme on en trouve pas souvent

À la fin, Vittorio n’y est pas arrivé. Son corps a été retrouvé la nuit passée, sans vie, par les force de sécurité du Hamas, étranglé par ses ravisseurs. Malheureusement, il s’est réalisé ce que tout*s evitions et croyions totalement vide de sens, humainement et politiquement.. Cet assassinat est un acte contre le peuple palestinien […]

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For Vittorio, a comrade as few others

In the end, Vittorio didn’t make it. His lifeless body was found yesterday evening by Hamas security forces, chocked by his kidnappers. Sadly, what all of us were warding off and deemed totally senseless, humanly and politically, came true. This murder is an act against the Palestinian people and an unexpected favour for its sworn […]

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Students and precarious workers blocked a bank in Pisa

This morning in the Tuscan city numerous students and precarious workers occupied the entrance of Pisa’s Cassa di Risparmio, a local bank; services were blocked for about an hour, tension culminated with the bank’s directors calling the authorities. In the meantime a banner was affixed on the door and participants in the action blocked the […]

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Torino – In the international action days against crisis, welfare cuts and austerity system – the 24, 25, 26 of March- students and temporary workers have decided to take their protest in the places symbol of the financial capitalism and the economy of debt, and responsible for the global economic crisis: the banks. These days […]

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Ben Ali trembles! From blogs to trade unions bureaus the Tunisian revolt explodes

Dictator Ben Ali trembled! And he is still trembling if is it true that he parked a jet plane close to the presidential residence of Chartage, which should be ready for an evacuation plan. The revolt stretches its lenght, spreads itself through all the cities and bears down on the regime after 23 years from […]

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Anteckningar från klasskamperna i Tunisien

[Italienska] Med viss brådska, denna sammanfattning skriven under de stora dagarna av generalstrejk, kamp och organisering i Tunisien där man föreslår en synpunkt ur vilken man kan se på ”det kämpande Mahgreb” som behandlar utvecklingen, innovationerna och den tunisiska rörelsens dyrt erövrade brytningar mot krisen och regimen. Från rätten att fly till rätten till motstånd. […]

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Ben Ali darrar! Den tunisiska revolten exploderar – Från bloggar till fackföreningslokaler

[Italienska] Av Fulvio Massarelli Diktatorn Ben Ali darrade! Och han darrar fortfarande om det är sant att han parkerade ett jetplan redo för en utrymning intill presidenthemmet Kartago Revolten sprider sig genom alla städer och trycker ökar på regimen efter att 23 år gått sedan den inrättades. Även i Tunisien, liksom på andra sidan av […]