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Wer sind die Schwarzen Blöcke? Wo sind die Schwarzen Blöcke?

Diese in den meisten Zeitungen nach jeden Ausschreitungen, wie denjenigen in Rom am 14. Dezember, immer wiederkehrende Frage verdient eine Antwort. Wollt ihr sehen wie unsere Gesichter aussehen, wenn sie nicht gerade von Schals, Helmen oder Kappen verdeckt sind? Es sind die gleichen Gesichter, die eine Miete zahlen für eure heruntergekommenen Wohnungen, die Gesichter von […]

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Londre appelle, Rome répond!

La journée d’aujourd’hui nous consigne quelques indications de fond par rapport à la force du mouvement des étudiants et à sa capacité de répondre à la crise qui nous entoure. Aujourd’hui, pour de vrai, “noi la  crisi non la paghiamo”(nous la crise ne la payons pas) se fait programme traduit en acte. Encore une fois […]

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Who is the Black Bloc? Where is the Black Bloc?

This question, appearing on most newspapers after every riot, such as the one in Rome on December 14, deserves an answer. Do you want to see what our faces look like, when they are not hidden by scarves, helmets and balaclavas? They are the same faces that pay the rent for your scruffy flats, the […]

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London calling, Rom svarar!

Idag har vi fått några indikationer på studentrörelsens kraft och dess kapacitet att svara på krisen som sveper om oss. Idag har verkligen ”vi betalar inte er kris” blivit ett program som förvandlat sig till agerande. Ännu en gång måste man ta en och annan stillbild för att berätta om dagens kamp och välkomnade 14 […]

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If they block our future, we’ll block the city! Notes on the university mobilizations in the Italian autumn of 2010

The image of the Leaning Tower of Pisa occupied by students traveled the world over, ending up on the BBC and the front page of the Financial Times in a matter of hours. A mirror image was taken a few days later: a besieged Parliament, closed off in their backrooms to approve an unpopular law […]

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Sum-up of the Italian Mobilzation Days for Freedom Flotilla

Lots of marches, demonstrations and solidarity initiatives were called up in Italy in the last three days, in denounciation of the Israeli attack in the night between 30th and 31st May against the seven ships of humanitarian aid of the Freedom Flotilla, the barbaric murder of nineteen activists and the wounding of several others – […]

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Fortress Europe is trembling!

Fortress Europe is trembling! In the management rooms of politics and business, in those comfortable drawing rooms, someone is starting to tremble with fear: the echo of that “everyone for themselves!!”, a cry that allready last year started bouncing back from one global finance skyscraper to the other, is now back. But this time their […]

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η πρώτη πραγματικά παγκόσμια κρίση?

Η χρηματοοικονομική κρίση με επίκεντρο τις ΗΠΑ προχωράει ανά κύματα συνεχόμενα που βαθαίνουν και αυξάνουν τις συνέπειες της. Κρίση των επισφαλών στεγαστικών δανείων, στη συνέχεια περιστολή της διατραπεζικής πίστης, ακολουθεί μια γενική πτώση της τιμής των ακινήτων (η πρώτη μετά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο με ισχυρές απώλειες στους ισολογισμούς των χρηματοοικονομικών οργανισμών και…ίσως πραγματική ύφεση. […]

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Genoa G8: Those of the street-by-street fights

The first phase of the trial against 25 comrades, who on the 19th, 20th and 21st July 2001 took part in the protests against the G8 in Genoa, is drawing to a close. By asking for an overall sentence of 225 years, the Italian state aims at formulating a historical and political judgement on those […]