L’évidence d’une disponibilité diffuse de la jeunesse à se mobiliser et à descendre dans la rue, comme en témoignent les nombreux cars arrivés ce matin dans la capitale, ne peut pas nous dispenser de réaffirmer combien la recherche d’étapes de vérification, et si possible d’attaques massifiées aux institutions, ne doivent ni ne peuvent céder à […]
The evidence of a widespread availability of the youth to mobilize and take the street, as even the many buses which came to the capitol this morning proved, cannot exempt us from restating how the search for evaluative milestones and, if possible, of mass attack on the institutions, must not – nor should they do […]
Koiné Diàlektos weekly broadcast here MONDAY 31M Bologna – Strike by the Coopservice university workers, supported by autonomous students and collectives: faculties, study halls, computer labs and reception desks in the central Via Zamboni university street and the surrounding area were picketed and remained shut down for the whole morning. The workers (90% of […]
Koiné Diàlektos weekly broadcast here MONDAY 24M Turin – Local press and administration try to jump on the bandwagon and stretch their hand, as a grassroots 10.000 people demonstration and concert last sunday reclaimed the riverside Murazzi venues’ area from the municipality gentrification policies and re-opened the Self-Managed Murazzi Social Centre as well. Val […]
MONDAY 17M Milan – Several hundred people remembered Davide ‘Dax’ Cesare, the antifascist militant murdered eleven years ago. After stopping in Via Brioschi, were the young man was killed, the demonstrators arrived at the via Tabacchi police station and confronted the agents guarding it. Though the latter employed tear gas in order to break up […]
Koiné Diàlektos weekly broadcast here “Sometimes you are more free behind walls than in a desert of indifference” For Mattia from your mother I came to know about your difficult moment. I don’t know you. But I have been old as you are, and I revolted, I felt angry and I knew, even for […]
MONDAY 3M Modena – The social desk “La rage” opens up at the Ex Deposito Carcerario 51 self-managed space in the city downtown. It will be a mutual aid antagonist space, tackling the issues of housing and high costs of public services and livelihood from an autonomous point of view. Val Susa – The […]
1) Como o levante de Gezi representa um evento que é também continuação do movimento social turco que vem de antes, e quais são as novidades mais importantes afetando a sociedade depois desse fenômeno? Durante e depois do levante de Gezi, também chamado às vezes por nós de primavera de junho, foram muito comentários por […]
Les huit militants détenus aux arrêts domiciliaires ont désormais l’obligation de signer, pour un autre compagnon cette obligation qui lui avait été imposée depuis le début a été confirmée, tandis que pour les neuf autres, toutes les restrictions ont été abandonnées. Ci-dessous le communiqué de presse publié hier par la coordination de la lutte romaine […]
Infoaut English gives a very interesting interview with a Turksih Comrade, Eren Buğlalılar,focused on Gezi Parki’s phenomenon and all its political and social consequences, into and beyond the squares,in order to better understand what is happening now in Turkey, from the social movements to the establishment. Infoaut.org Interview on Gezi Uprising in Turkey Eren Buğlalılar […]