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Leagueist right-wingers expelled from the CEP neighbourhood in Pisa

The answer of some citizens of Pisa was ready: for two times, in spite of police cordons, the petition stand was reached and overturned, to the point the leagueists were forced to retreat with their tail between their legs. Even if they try to exploit the most controversial issues in order to promote themselves, the […]

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Le “refugisme”, idéologie de l’Europe Forteresse

La catégorie juridique du rescapé, ou de réfugié politique, n’est pas née avec la rhétorique de ces dernières semaines. Cependant, c’est maintenant qu’elle semble prendre une centralité particulière dans le discours politique. Les institutions européennes ont toujours eu tendance à ignorer, lorsque c’était possible, la présence sur leur territoire des migrants «non économiques», parce que […]

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Δεν θα είναι ποτέ ένα γιορτινό γεύμα

Το να εξεγερθείς στην παρούσα τάξη πραγμάτων δεν είναι εύκολο, διότι σε αυτήν διακτίνονται πολλαπλοί μηχανισμοί, που χαρακτηρίζονται από διαφορετικές τυπολογίες χρήσης της βίας.  Στρατιωτικά σώματα και παραστρατιωτικές πολιτοφυλακές, δικαστές και δυνάμεις αστυνομίας είναι (κάποια ) παραδείγματα. Υπάρχει ένας πλατύς χώρος κοινωνικής και πολιτικής ανυποταξίας προς τους κανόνες που δίδονται και παράγει η προσφυγή, από […]

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An autumn of struggles kicks off in Bologna!

On monday the resistance of the Bolognese warehouse workers managed to stop all the interport and the Bologna-Padua highway for hours, arousing the repressive initiative ordered by the city Police Department – who did not spare a number of antiriot police wagons, that after some hours managed to evict the resisting picket organized by the […]

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For a materialist reading of Middle-Eastern Issues

  INTRODUCTION The conquests of Daesh (the Arabic name of what it is erroneously translated in Italy as Islamic State) in Iraq and Syria are just the latest events exploited by the mainstream media in order to propose once again the tale of an (alleged) decadence of the Middle Eastern civilization linked to Islam. The […]

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Malarazza Occupied Student House was born in Palermo!

“We won a battle, but not yet the war. After we was certain that renovation works will start again at the Hotel Patria and that it will really become an university student house, we keep emphasizing the issue of neglected spaces in the city, which are really too many. Above all, on those spaces that, […]

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From Greece: Freedom for the Turin 6!

Source: In the morning of the 2nd of September a police operation kicked off in Turin, leading to the arrest of 6 comrades of the Askatasuna social centre. The charges refer to the march last March 28 during the speech by fascist Northern League secretary. On that date police stopped the march violently using […]

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6 arrests in Turin for the march against Matteo Salvini

In Turin, as it happened in many other cities with the #MaiConSalvini [Never with Salvini, a play of words on the opposite #NoiConSalvini – us with Salvini – slogan (TN)] slogan, a city march in order to reject the presence of Salvini and his leagueist and neofascist entourage was called in the week before the […]

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Degage occupied student house evicted in Rome

  The Digos along with some agents entered the building by climbing over the fence in order to then facilitate the eviction. At the time of the raid 18 comrades were inside; they were identified in the court yard of the occupied building and brought to the Porta Pia police station were they were indicted […]

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No Muos August 8: the fences are cut down!

This afternoon at 3pm the march, scheduled during the August 6-9 No Muos Camp, started from the gathering point in Contrada Ulmo in front of the permanent picket. Today more than 500 people crossed the sughereta [cork oak forest – TN] to attend the usual Summer event; in order to warm up today’s march, several […]