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“The Bataclan Generation must stay in the Bataclan”

After having gathered, the demonstrators’ march starts, but they are immediately charged. Three hours of madness ensue, when an iron-clad police tries to disperse the demonstrators with one tear gas canister and stun grenade after another. Some people try to defend themselves in order to keep the armed men at bay from the march with […]

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Qui combat l’État Islamique ? Sinjar (Reportage au Kurdistan #1)

Traduit par: Renversé.ch Prémisse En ces jours où l’attention se porte sur les événements de Paris, l’émotion et les craintes des gens sont manipulées par les gouvernements et les médias traditionnels. Ils parlent sans arrêt de la “guerre à ISIS”, de la “coalition contre l’Etat islamique” et de la “réaction des pays libres.” Mais là […]

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Defy the Present! – Materials from the Meeting in Rome

*** Defy the Present! (Call) Struggles and conflicts in the movement and for the movements With an irregular, yet steady, rhythm, the latest years definitely exposed how the promise of a world able to regulate by itself the labour market and the production and reallocation of resources, was betrayed. After decades of a substantially uncontested […]

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Το Παρίσι μετά τη Βηρυτό

Αυτό λοιπόν, που  συνέβη στο Παρίσι είναι μια πράξη πολέμου; Ναι, αλλά τότε θα πρέπει να αναρωτηθούμε και να εμβαθύνουμε: Πόλεμος ανάμεσα σε ποιούς  και γιατί; Ωστόσο, παρά τις τόσες διαφορές  στην  πολυδιαφημισμένη κοινωνία της πληροφορίας  με την πληθώρα των κοινωνικών δικτύων, δίκτυα για όλα τα είδη ειδήσεων, ενημερωτικά δελτία, εφημερίδες και πάει λέγοντας, είναι […]

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Paris: un pas en avant vers le chaos systémique

La lucidité n’est certainement pas rendue plus grande par un détachement cynique. Pour le moment, nous essayerons donc de repartir de l’impact. Nous reviendrons plus tard sur les considérations géopolitiques de cette acte de guerre. La première sensation que nous ressentons est celle d’un anéantissement profond : nous sommes pris au dépourvu par des événements terriblement […]

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Paris: One step beyond in the systemic chaos

Lucidity is not certainly increased by cynical coolness, therefore we try to start again from the impact – for the time being. We will return later on geopolitical considerations about this act of war. The first sensation to be experienced is that of a deep annihilation: we are thrown off balance by terribly expected events, […]

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Repression against comrades participating to May 1 in Milan yesterday

The charges are those of arson, illegal disguise, aggravated resistance to a public officer, devastation and pillage – “devastazione e saccheggio”, a legacy crime from the Codice Rocco fascist law that was never abolished after the fall of the regime: just to be arbitrarily used through the years in several trials concerning street riots – […]

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No Muos activist damages a dish antenna in the US base of Niscemi, Sicily

After a not so timely intervention by the US military personnel, it was the turn of national Police, which demanded the immediate halt of the protest. But from the picket that joins the actions, participated by dozens of activists and supporters, they make us know that they are bracing themselves to stay there for the […]

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Bologna defends itself from the xenophobic Northern League invasion!

6pm: The cortege is entering piazza Maggiore, chanting “You are the only alien foreigners in Bologna!” against the rightwingers. The speeches recall the hours of struggle today, the police charges and the determination in responding to their provocations; a new process of struggle is announced, starting from next thursday with a new metropolitan assembly that […]

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We are as much obstinate in cutting the fences as in deciding on our own land

benint dae lontanu, a si partire sos fruttos, da chi si bruiant sa terra. Isperamus chi prestu hat a finire cust’istadu de cosas dolorosu: meda semus istancos de suffrire   The vandals, with arguments and quarrels, / come from afar, to share among themselves / the spoils, because they burn the land. // We hope […]