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Bologna, the “36”, the rage of the youth and a model of city

IIn these last days we are witnessing an attempt of escalating a longtime-sought attempt by Bologna’s governance (University, City Council, Police Department): to normalize the city’s university area social and political life, always a hindrance for those eager to dictate an absolute power on the students’ life. To attend lessons, consume in the venues, go […]

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We said NO and we can not still get enough..for a spring of struggle!

With Renzi being put aside, continuity with the former government is guaranteed not merely on a political level, but also by the pivotal character of some of its key members, like Poletti, Padoan, Boschi and Gentiloni himself [former ministers of Labour, Economy, Reforms and Foreign Affairs who retained their posts or got promoted – t.n.]. […]

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A slap in the face is not enough. On Renzi’s defeat

This Infoaut editorial came out on December 5, right after the defeat at the constitutional referendum of the Yes option, who was championed by former President of the Council of Ministers Matteo Renzi – in an effort to deepen penetration of neoliberal policies and dismantling of the xx-century welfare state model in the country. It […]

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Their living conditions got worse, and many responsibilities are connected to the Government policies. Since 2013, the Democratic Party (PD) and the Neo-Center-Right (NCD), the party of Interior Minister Alfano, representing a corporative financial and entrepreneurial block in the country, promoted together a series of reforms in favour of financial speculation and labour precarization. The […]

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The Square of Refusal

Against the history of the recent betrayals, suffered by those who trusted change to happen in this country, we still believed since the beginning, among others, that a possibility against neoliberal arrogance embodied by Renzism would have opened on the referendum clash – being there a place that can turn into a chance for social […]

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Rumeurs de France – Rencontre avec le Mili

Translation: “Lancer une pierre sur un flic, dégrader une banque, aller retrouver mes amis… Il n’y a rien de plus politique que ça” Nous les rencontrons dans l’une des dernières occupations ayant survécus à Paris. Youseph (18 ans), Vincent (17 ans) et Lucie (16 ans), font tou.te.s parti.e.s du MILI, le Mouvement Inter-Luttes Indépendant. […]

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Demonstration against military bases in Sardinia on November 23

A FORAS is a Sardinian movement that carries the struggle against military occupation on and reorganizes itself about the same goals with renewed resolution. It reasserts NO to the WAR in all its forms and it works for the permanent closing down of all the military bases and of every activity connected to the chain […]

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Έθνος Αμερική

Στη νίκη του Donald Trump της 9/11 ( επέτειο της 18ης Μπρυμαίρ του Ναπολέοντα Βοναπάρτη, όπως μας θυμίζει στο Radio24 ένας Ferruccio de Bortoli περισσότερο σε αναζήτηση σημείων αναφοράς μέσα στο συστημικό χάος παρά λάτρης της καμπάλα) φαίνεται να βλέπουμετη συνέχιση αυτής της ιστορικής πορείας . Αν το 1991 ο διεθνιστικός σχεδιασμός της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης, […]

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Συρία: θεοκρατική επανάσταση ή συνομοσπονδιακή?

Rojava (Siria), 5 οκτωβρίου 2016, Nena News – Όταν ο Bouhazizi Mohamed αυτοπυρπολήθηκε, στις 17 δεκεμβρίου του 2010, λίγοι από εμάς θα περίμεναν αυτά που συνέβησαν, και κατά πόσο θα είχαν συμβεί. Η Βόρεια Αφρική και η νοτιοδυτική Ασία ήταν χύτρες ταχύτητας περιμένοντας να εκραγούν και, τώρα ταχύτατα, τώρα σιγά-σιγά, να εκδηλωθούν βαθιές αντιθέσεις και νέες διαδρομές […]

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A confederal or a theocratic revolution in Syria?

When Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire on December 17, 2010 – few of us knew the dimensions of what was about to happen. North Africa and Southwest Asia were ticking time-bombs waiting to explode, waiting to manifest, sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, deep contradictions and new paths towards the future. Few among us were aware […]