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C-Star: City Flotilla keeps fascists at bay from Catania

After the arrest of the captain investigated for human trafficking the fascist crew keeps sailing through perilous waters!   Following the news of the landing in Catania of the nazifascist boat C-Star, the antiracist organizations in the city immediately mobilized with protests and demonstrations. One of the initiatives in this regard “City Flotilla, taking the […]

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#NoG20 Hamburg: support the comrades arrested

From the 6­th to the 8th July, in Hambug (Germany), took place an official meeting that involves twenty worldwide powers; such meeting is called G20. Before the beginning and also during of the official meeting, several activities were organized against the G20. The goal of such activities was to oppose and propose another vision of […]

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In the 16th year after Genoa: escaping the prison of memory

“We did not ponder enough in these sixteen years”, such is the beginning of a police chief Gabrielli interview headlining the Repubblica newspaper, which then follows in the first two inner pages of the daily: “the Genoa G8 Genova was a catastrophe”. The cop goes for broke. He singles out the value of self-criticism pursuing […]

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Piazza della Loggia in Brescia: a fascist massacre

After 43 years the definitive life sentence for neofascists Carlo Maria Maggi and Maurizio Tramonte came, being them culprits for the massacre in which 8 people died and 102 were wounded  on May 28, 1974, in piazza della Loggia, Brescia, during a demonstration against fascist violence. The verdict acknowledges the “political source” of the massacre, […]

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Till death do you part

On the Minister of Interior Minniti and the NoG7 demonstration The ceremonial of every wedding envisages the phrase “for better or for worse” to be added the vows of the parties of sticking together until the end of life. When things go smooth it is easy to stay together; it may be a lot harder […]

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A night of blockades against the TAP pipeline

Once again, the multinational corporation providing for the eradication of the centuries-old olive trees chooses nighttime, in order to try to carry out the transport operations. Also on this occasion, hundreds of residents of the town in the province of Lecce organized themselves in order to prevent the transit of the trucks, as they stood […]

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More than 15000 people attend No Tav march: it is impossible to stop us!

Last saturday, under a pouring rain,  a grand demonstration marched from Bussoleno to San Didero, showing once again what the No Tav people is made of. Being more than 15000 (4000 for the Police Department, of course) we brought forth a march that once again reaffirmed the slogan of the call ”We were, we still […]

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Police round-ups kill a Senegalese worker in Rome

In the early afternoon Magat – a 53-years old Senegalese worker – panic-striken, ran away. Pursued by some agents of Roma Capitale metropolitan police, they catched up with him, tripped him and let him fall down on the ground. As he fell, Magat hit his head and died in a pool of blood in via […]

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The civil wars in France

We are living an age of clash in which one needs to pay more attention to the ground on which opposition is given rather than to the participating factions. The political identities – starting from the right/left and progressives/liberals divisions and so on – aren’t just a cover but old and misleading categories, unable to […]

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Tout le reste n’est qu’ennui

  Florence, 12-04-2017       1 Les chefs des gouvernements de l’UE se sont réunis le 25 mars à Rome, en Italie, pour le 60e anniversaire des traités de Rome. Le contre-sommet a été marqué par des provocations policières sans précedants. Le tronçon des groupes autonomes contre la UE a ete encerclé par les […]