A night of blockades against the TAP pipeline
Once again, the multinational corporation providing for the eradication of the centuries-old olive trees chooses nighttime, in order to try to carry out the transport operations. Also on this occasion, hundreds of residents of the town in the province of Lecce organized themselves in order to prevent the transit of the trucks, as they stood sitting on the ground to block the way. Only a lenghty intervention by the antiriot police allowed the TAP vehicles’ passage, still being escorted by the agents.
Police intimidations and nighttime raids (two times already in a few weeks) did not intimidate people in the province of Lecce. On the contrary, the NO TAP movement seems to grow stronger each time it clashes against the arrogance of the power of the State. A State that forever and always, through police, defends interests and business of multinational corporations that have nothing to share with people living in that places. Multinational corporations that, in the name of development and growth, were always given by politicians the green light to destroy and pollute and natural landscapes and reserves. On many occasions the NO TAP demonstrators filled squares and organized blockades and barricades in order to prevent the start of the works. The message is clear: they want to decide on the destiny of their life and of their territory against the foolish choices of the national decisors.
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