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El año en Italia empieza con el ataque del Gobierno al derecho a la vivienda

Hay que decir entre otras cosas que la misma intención de prórroga era por si misma insuficiente para solucionar el problema de la vivienda en su conjunto: de echo trataba los contractos de pisos acabados, sin dar cuenta de los casos de morosidad fortuitas, la mayoría de los cuale son la causa de los desahucios. […]

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La sale guerre (de retour)

A tous ceux qui sont déjà en train de saturer les réseaux sociaux de condoléances, prêts à s’enrôler dans la nouvelle guerre de civilisation contre l’Islam (à droite) ou en faveur de la pareillement insupportable profession de foi en faveur de la liberté d’expression (à gauche), nous aimerions rappeler une banalité : il n’y a pas […]

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We are not Charlie Hebdo: a revolving dirty war

  Now, more than ever we realize to what extent we are “being spoken to” with an average and mediocre language that is superimposing and speaking inside us, against us, crushing us and making us powerless. We would like so much to evoke the memory of a banality for the many people overcrowding the social […]

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If two policemen die

Certainly, the background is different. In the United States police murders of black people (and not only them) goes on undisturbed and, from this summer, a widespread and deep-rooted protest movement – that enjoys the sympathies of also many white people and surely of the Hispanic community – is raising. A mobilization that put in […]

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An Oil-driven War?

[Original article in Italian here] The oil price felt down in global markets from more than one hundred dollars to less than 70 in just 4-5 months: it is no small thing, and this trend looks far from being over. In the sub-Italian region few people are talking about this and in a wrong way, […]

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Bolonia mestiza y solidaria: más de mil en las calles contra el “Plan de vivienda” del Gobierno Renzi

La Bolonia digna, del mestizaje y de la solidariedad contra el brutal “Plan de vivienda” del Gobierno mantuvo sus promisas. Más de mil personas, primariamente ocupantes de habitaciones bajo el colectivo Social Log, activistas del Cas (Coléctivo Autonomo Estudiantil), universitarios del Cua (Coléctivo universitario Autonomo), trabajadores del sector logístico con el sindicado Si.Cobas, otros sindicados […]

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The neofascist mafia hands on Rome

A judiciary inquiry on December 2 uncovered a massive ring of corruption in the capitol (dubbed ‘Mafia Capitale‘ by the media), arresting a total of 37 people among fascists, politicians from government parties, criminals, entrepreneurs, corrupt police officers, public and private managers and cooperative companies’ directors; with their leaders controlling tenders, aid and other flows […]

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280 people occupy building in Bologna

As we are working on many important news from Italy during this period, we will integrate this nice report taken from Struggles in Italy with more infos and developments tomorrow, with a special broadcast of Koiné Dialektos – airing on Radio Infoaut at 5 pm CET time on Friday 12. Stay Tuned! A large building […]

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From Tor Sapienza to San Siro: conflict breaks out in the Italian peripheries (Part I)

Two weeks ago in Tor Sapienza – a neglected, working-class neighborhood at the eastern borders of Rome – a migrant care center (Sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati-SPRAR) was assaulted with clubs and firecrackers by enraged residents over a spate of thefts and an alleged rape attempt by a migrant. That center was […]

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Thousands of people occupy the Carrara city hall after the floods

More than two thousands people attended the demonstration, counting families hit by the floods and symphatetic people in their numbers. Upon the mayor’s arrival, after his words “the city council does not feel responsible at all” the rage of the citizens erupted and police had to escort him into the city hall, keeping the demonstrators […]