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Thousands of people occupy the Carrara city hall after the floods

More than two thousands people attended the demonstration, counting families hit by the floods and symphatetic people in their numbers. Upon the mayor’s arrival, after his words “the city council does not feel responsible at all” the rage of the citizens erupted and police had to escort him into the city hall, keeping the demonstrators at bay with charges and truncheon blows. The picket went on for a few hours more and then occupied the city hall, asking for immediate resignation of mayor Angelo Zubbani. The city hall is still occupied by the outraged and angry citizens against a political class that only proposes speculations and destruction of territory.

This is a common conditions also for the Ligurian territories and those of lower Piedmont, in addition to the Tuscanian ones, and with the “Sblocca Italia” decree there will be a further guarantee for speculative solutions and the construction of unnecessary works. The chronic cyclical nature of the floods all over Italy is not due to bad weather, but is the outcome of a development system based on hyper-cementificazione and the pillage of territories.

A city assembly held on the same day decided to continue the occupation until the resignation of the entire city council. More than 200 people still occupy the building.



A significant statement from the Casa Rossa Occupied Social Centre of Massa

Saturday 8 will remain in the history of both the city of Carrara and of this territory, and no one can scratch its political and social reach.

For the first time a population, tired of having gone through decades of environmental, political and social abuse decided to unleash its rage in an absolutely determined way and without any delay, by recognizing in the general ruling class and in the mayor in particular, the true responsibles of it all. A maybe pre-political taking of the floor, but surely an outspoken and true one, that accused the present state of things.

The outrageous arrogance with which the mayor decided to begin his statement by relieving himself and his administration from any responsibility could not but to unleash the reaction of those who have been struggling for years against the devastation of a territory, against speculation, against the selloff. Against a political system that features the Democratic Party and all the incredible rabble of parties that support it at the core of a system of power whose sole goal is to preserve itself and enrich the same old guys.

But the rage has always to be followed by reflection, in order for the struggle to continue and for a thieving and murderous system of power not to be replaced with another one who does not care about the citizens.

As Casa Rossa we took part in the protest morning, in order to bring our solidarity and our closeness to such a striken population, and we feel compelled to stand at the side of the city of Carrara in its struggle.

According to us it is mandatory, in this phase of emergency, to realize one’s own strenght. That is, the strenght of a myriad of people, for once comrades in the street of protest, that managed to channel their rage and sense of frustration and identify a common target: the Zubbani administration.

And now this goal has to be pursued till the end:

– By carrying on the protest and the occupation of the city hall until the resignation of the whole administration

– By saying no to the presence of a prefect’s commissary that would just be an emanation of the central government, and in turn of that Democratic Party that with the Sblocca Italia decree did legalize further and worse devastation of the territory

– By organizing a true and veritable self-management of the current phase, by envisaging a division of tasks to be participated in by all the citizens, to keep picketing the city hall, continue the aid to the people hit by the flood, to manage the relations with regional bodies and the civil protection in order to secure the territory.

Contrarily to what we have heard on saturday evening at the assembly at the city hall, we believe that the people’s will and its ability of reaction are able to do this all, and we have no need for any external mediation. Above all, when the mediation comes by who, at local and national level, is destroying our lives.

Carrara is crying. But in doing so, it discovered itself to be strong and determined. All the Apuan territory thanks it and has the duty of supporting it.


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