by Raffaele Sciortino [ITA] It was easy to expect that they would have made the Greeks pay for OXI, and so was it. In the light of the most harsh outcome of the “negotiation” between the Greek government and the Eurogroup, the discussion now revolves around pro- and anti-Tsipras stances – has he betrayed […]
With respect to Athens, for those who look to it, feel empathy and see there an unfolding development, the day of Wednesday maybe contributed to “get the feet back on the ground”. The reunions of Syriza, the “Coalition of the Radical Left”, divide and break themselves, and its project seems to collapse, crushed by the […]
In the early hours of the morning police surrounded the Spazio Popolare Neruda, the building that was occupied a couple of weeks ago by about thirty families under eviction, in order to proceed with the eviction. About thirty people, among which ten little children or so, were inside the building – a former school that […]
Now, after the break of the negotiations with the Troika and the calling of the referendum on the terms of the so-called “agreement” (i.e. diktat), some results and elements of reflection are already evident, regardless of the outcome. The first is that there is a certain loser: leftist Europeism, of those saying “a bad European […]
The number of camping/resisting people on the reef looks to be short of tens of people each day, but it is difficult to give an even vaguely right number. It keeps being a significant one, of about a hundred people. The local and national media – the first ones being an expression of the interest […]
Saturday, June 20 h 2pm Piazza della Stazione Ventimiglia through which we believe there is an urgency to raise, beside the fundamental humanitarian issue (featuring hundreds of people that have been undertaking a thousand different solidarity actions for days), the political problem that, tragedy after tragedy, abuse after abuse, stands at its core. We publish […]
Samedi 20 juin 14h Place de la gare Vintimille nous croyons il qu’y a l’urgence de soulever, à côté de la fondamentale question humanitaire (qui voit tous les jours des gens se prodiguer avec des actes de solidarités), le problème politique qui, tragédie après tragédie, vexation après vexation, en est à sa base. […]
About a voter out of two did not go to the polls for electing regional governors: this trend steadily consolidated through the years, with a net 10% average voters’ loss in comparison to previous elections (2010) and expresses a rising discontent about the Italian ruling class, and its forms of representation and cronyism. There are […]
At about 7am, as small groups of blacklegs were trying to access the warehouses escorted by their gangers, a squad of a tensome drivers and blacklegs, headed by a SDA supervisor and an owner, attacked the picked with extensible batons, bottles and helmets. The two cars of the police flying squad, that were already on […]
Transformations of the social reality depend on a mix of factors which render partial any unequivocal determination. To come to terms with the unshakeable uneasiness of the human world, in the contemporary critical geography, one often refers to a phenomenon of “turbulence”. Such terminology, which in the scientific lexicon indicates the wild and whirling flows […]