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Faisons la grève de la crise: vers un automne de luttes!

Les processus de marginalisation générés par l’initiative capitaliste approfondissent les différences existantes et opèrent de nouvelles coupures sociales : un segment générationnel, entre autres, est l’objet d’une exclusion sans précédent, tant sur le plan social que sur celui de la production, en termes de valorisation de ses propres capacités et de satisfaction de ses propres besoins. […]

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Let’s strike the crisis: towards an Autumn of struggles!

But, if the violent proletarization of youngsters aims at weakening their reclaiming potential, it is exactly on this level, which envisages an antagonist inclusion rather than a productive one, that the possibility of “recomposing-against” a fragmented and scattered social background opens up for us. Our conterpart’s political recomposition, indeed, is not lacking ambivalences inasmuch as, […]

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Notav Camp: three days of discussion, debate and initiatives

Renzi’s decision to indefinetly postpone the summit on youth unemployment scheduled for July 11 in Turin is meaningful about the phase we are living in. Whoever is in power (in Italy as in Europe) does not have the ability to find any solution to the crisis, the only perspective they have is to continue to […]

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We are still here…Beyond July 11, let’s relaunch the struggles!

The accumulation of energies and political work started up in order to organize the protest days, – starting from the widely attended national assembly of May 31 – represents for all of us a precious legacy, not to be wasted. With this frame of mind, last Sunday, on June 22, about a hundred of comrades, […]

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Turin, Update zu den Verhafteten vom 3. Juni

Am späten Donnerstagnachmittag ist das Urteil des Überprüfungsgerichts eingetroffen. Das Gericht war angerufen worden, um über die wegen einer Reihe von Episoden in Zusammenhamg mit dem Kampf ums Wohnen im Zuge der jüngsten justitiellen Operation gegen 29 Compas verhängten Sicherungsmaßnahmen zu befinden. Der Richter hat das von der Turiner Staatsanwaltschaft (unter Federführung der allegegewärtigen Staatsanwälten […]

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Living in the Crisis: Final Statement

The speculation enriches more and more every day financial institutions and Real Estate market, by   wasting territories and exploiting rural and urban lands. They let houses and buildings empty, while   millions people are homeless and exploit the emergency for gaining new profit through construction business (through the so-called Social Housing program, for example). They build […]

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Living in the Crisis: El Texto Final

Sabemos que las situaciones en nuestros paises son diferentes, pero la lucha es la misma. Los poderosos ententan dividirnos, construyendo muros entre Sur y Norte, Este y Oeste de Europa, entre los paieses europeos y los paises extra-europeos, entre autocton@s y migrantes, entre lo@ que llaman legales y l@s que llaman ilegales. Creemos que la […]

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Living in the Crisis: Endgültigen Text

Die Politik der Mächtigen versucht uns zu spalten. Sie versucht künstliche Mauern zwischen Nord und Süd zu ziehen, zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa, zwischen Ländern in der EU und Ländern außerhalb der EU, versucht uns zu spalten zwischen Einheimischen und Migrant*innen, zwischen sogenannten legalen und sogenannten illegalen Menschen. Wir sind überzeugt, das die Grundlage jeder Bewegung […]

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July 11th postponed: the Renzi’s government is a “paper tiger”

The second part of the European semester and the “legacy” issue. If we want to think ill, the willingness to postpone a hot topic as youth unemployment emerges. Crisis’ hairpin turns are nothing but finished and within the institutional framework there is a lack of ideas about youth future that wouldn’t be really unpopular. At […]

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Yoox: sexual harassment on the loaders. Enough is enough, it is a strike!

The riot police was particularly harsh in order, very likely, to scare the -mostly migrant- workers and to lead them silently back into the hell in which they had exhausted their lives until two days before – but that goal was not achieved! These most resolute loaders, supported by many comrades that ran to the […]