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19o: Final Statement from the acampada assembly in Porta Pia

Original statement here


The social movements which brought to life yesterday’s uprising, culminated in a siege against the Austerity palaces and the Porta Pia acampada, have gathered today to confront themselves within a plenary assembly to which they participaeted with hundreds of people.
All interventions highlighted a mobilization which, despite  mainstream media criminalization and oscurantism, turned out to be a complete success, bringing together more than 70 000 people as  testimonies of precarity with their composite, mestizo determination. The goal of reclaiming the square and advance popular dissent, on behalf of all those ones who are paying the price of the crisis, has been  achieved. From now on struggles to reclaim housing, income, knowledge, spaces, and timing, can only grow bigger and stronger. This path, which converged here after taking off from the territories and the cities around the country and connecting different languages and practices, shall now continue without a stop until everything  will be changed. The assembly has also saluted the Anonymous initiatives  which, as the siege gained consistency throughout the streets of Rome,  have once again projected social conflict in the web – declaring the  TANGODOWN on the websites of those ministries and institutions we were  contesting.  

In rejecting any attempt of division between the good ones and the  evil ones, Porta Pia square has strongly affirmed that the anger from  yesterday was a mestizo one. The rage of those who every day have their  rights denied, cannot be eer criminalized or approached in terms of public order and  courtrooms.

At the moment we know of 2 women and 4 men under detention, who are being followed up by a legal support team – they have already visited the 6 today but we do not yet know about a possible validation of the arrest. We would also like to point out the gravity of the stay away orders issued against 5 activists from the “Housing Struggle” movement of Florence, who were prevented from joining the protest they had been working to build up together with the rest of us. 
The assembly has reiterated those same propositions advanced to the Government during the week prior to the march, summed up by the slogan  “One only great work: house and salary for everybody”
Briefly: a general arrest of all eviction orders, of outletting  public properties, and a plan for public housing policies; a no to great works, starting from the TAV railway in the Susa Valley; the  cancellation of the Bossi-Fini Law and the recognition of full citizenship for immigrants and refugees.
The offer by Minister of Infrastructures Lupi to meet the movements has been positively received as a successful outcome of the great 19O day and of  the struggles against evictions, although it only partially addresses those points we raised. 
Therefore we have decided to maintain  this acampada in front of the Ministry of Infrastructures, promoting a  new day of action in all cities on Tuesday the 22nd of October at 5 p.m. during the meeting.
Another common appointment is that of the roundtable on the right to  residency ANCI has called for on the 24th, 25th and 26th of October in  Florence,  with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Alfano.  That will be an occasion to gather again as an assembly of the #19O social movements. A new plenary meeting of all movements participating in the #19o is now scheduled for the 9th and 10th of November: it’s there that new propositions for  initiatives, of conflict challenges and transformation of the status-quo  will be made. 

The richness and diversity which animated the 19th of October march  are extraordinary and surprising. Many were expecting devastations which  never took place. Now they stare in disbelief to an acampada  which, by  starting from fundamental issues such as right to housing and income, can only be embraceed.

This is why we are sitting in, in front of the Ministery of  Infrastructure, with our tents and our contents. And we invite the  citizens of Rome to support it. 

We repeat that next Tuesday we will give no truce to Minister Lupi.  Our request to block evictions is not negotiable. And neither is negotiable the re-allotment of public resources to sponsor a housing  plan worth of this name – resources which are now being diverted into great construction works such as the TAV railway or the EXPO event. 

The powerful energy expressing itself yesterday in the square of uprising and siege against the Austerity Palaces says that there is no  way back.

Freedom for everybody, now!


Slightly modified version of the translation by annalenadg

The social movements which brought to life yesterday’s uprising, culminated in a siege against the Austerity palaces and the Porta Pia acampada, have gathered today to confront themselves within a plenary assembly to which they participated with hundreds of people. 
All interventions highlighted a mobilization which, despite  mainstream media criminalization and oscurantism, turned out to be a complete success, bringing together more than 70 000 people as  testimonies of precarity with their composite, mestizo determination. The goal of reclaiming the square and advance popular dissent, in behalf of all those ones who are paying the price of the crisis, has been  achieved. From now on struggles to reclaim housing, income, knowledge, spaces, and timing, can only grow bigger and stronger. This path, which converged here after taking off from the territories and the cities around the country and connecting different languages and practices, shall now continue without a stop until everything  will be changed. The assembly has also saluted the Anonymous initiatives  which, as the siege gained consistency throughout the streets of Rome,  have once again projected social conflict in the web – declaring the  TANGODOWN on the websites of those ministries and institutions we were  contesting.  
In rejecting any attempt of division between the good ones and the  evil ones, Porta Pia square has strongly affirmed that the anger from  yesterday was a mestizo one. The rage of those who every day have their  rights denied, cannot be either criminalized or approached in terms of public order and  courtrooms.
At the moment we know of 2 women and 4 men under detention, who are being followed up by a legal support team – they have already visited the 6 today but we do not yet know about a possible validation of the arrest. We would also like to point out the gravity of the stay away orders issued against 5 activists from the “Housing Struggle” movement of Florence, who were prevented from joining the protest they had been working to build up together with the rest of us. 
The assembly has reiterated those same propositions advanced to the Government during the week prior to the march, summed up by the slogan  “One only great work: house and salary for everybody”
Briefly: a general arrest of all eviction orders, of outletting  public properties, and a plan for public housing policies; a no to great works, starting from the TAV railway in the Susa Valley; the  cancellation of the Bossi-Fini Law and the recognition of full citizenship for immigrants and refugees.
The offer by Minister of Infrastructures Lupi to meet the movements has been positively received as a successful outcome of the great 19O day and of  the struggles against evictions, although it only partially addresses those points we raised. 
Therefore we have decided to maintain  this acampada in front of the Ministry of Infrastructures, promoting a  new day of action in all cities on Tuesday the 22nd of October at 5 p.m. during the meeting.
Another common appointment is that of the roundtable on the right to  residency ANCI has called for on the 24th, 25th and 26th of October in  Florence,  with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Alfano.  That will be an occasion to gather again as an assembly of the #19O social movements. A new plenary meeting of all movements participating in the #19o is now scheduled for the 9th and 10th of November: it’s there that new propositions for  initiatives, of conflict challenges and transformation of the status-quo   will be made. 
The richness and diversity which animated the 19th of October march  are extraordinary and surprising. Many were expecting devastations which  never took place. Now they stare in disbelief to an acampada  which, by  starting from fundamental issues such as right to housing and income, can only be embraceed.
This is why we are sitting in, in front of the Ministery of  Infrastructure, with our tents and our contents. And we invite the  citizens of Rome to support it. 
We repeat that next Tuesday we will give no truce to Minister Lupi.  Our request to block evictions is not negotiable. And neither is negotiable the re-allotment of public resources to sponsor a housing  plan worth of this name – resources which are now being diverted into great construction works such as the TAV railway or the EXPO event. 
The powerful energy expressing itself yesterday in the square of uprising and siege against the Austerity Palaces says that there is no  way back.
Freedom for everybody, now!

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19 october19ottobreEnglishroma

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