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Peace is a rifle on the shoulders of the YPJ guerillas!

The armed interventions of the Western powers are, in the short and the long term, head-on attacks on revolutionary processes, and all the dispositifs they activate – from the ISIS to the air raids and the ground troops – all pointed against the movements for freedom from poverty and misery. The killing of Osama Bin Laden and his peculiar interpretation of Wahabist internationalism has brought us to an army of a neo-Mongolian character – the ISIS. Though organizing very few militants and almost completely lacking popular approval, ISIS has proved to be very effective in bringing the internal strife in the Capitalist civilization aroused by the revolutionary processes back into the framework of the clash of civilizations. Class war, in its evident dimension of unfolded and explicit revolutionary process, is to be beaten through the imperialist war that confessionalizes or ethnicizes the battles and eventually the ultimate goal of the conflict which, from freedom from exploitation is transformed into the supremacy of this or that ethnic or confessional element. All this obviously conceales the maintenance of the present state of things: Western powers that continue – or better, would like to continue – to swallow the territories and dwellers of planet Earth undisturbed.

But in the macro-Mediterranean region and in the East, for decades a warring territory of new conquests for the Western powers, spaces of possibility have been opened up thanks to the early great revolutionary outburst in 2011 which, if seized, can realize real important experiences of autonomy and resistence. This is the case of the PKK and the Syrian Rojava territories, where the Kurdish communities managed to become a political expression, through counter-institutions and self-defence forms, of the requests of the revolutionary processes, experimenting with embryonic forms of Autonomy in the Near East. A radically democratic, non-confessional, and non-ethnic model of self-government that defends itself and resists against all the reactionary forces, both regular and irregular, operating in the nearby territories. From this point of view, the bankroll and shipment of military equipment to the Iraqi Kurdish elites and to their armies and militants is immediately hostile and opposing Rojava and the PKK, as the Iraqi Kurdish leadership works to keep the conflict ethnic and further on confessional, overshadowing the true reasons of the war: the resources of the Iraqi territory and beyond – a target for the bloody Western pillage for decades. The Iraqi Kurdish entity and its representatives are starry-and-striped and Israeli vassals on site. It is not by chance that many Iraqi Kurds joined the ranks of the PKK and the YPJ, recognizing in their political project the class solution to the catastrophes that have been ruining their lands for a long time now.

In this military context, where the chance for peace relies on the guns of the Kurdish guerrillas of Rojava – already able to rout the ISIS from a most ample territory – the Italian foreign policy, led by the Florentine clown, could not but show up as despicable and wretched. Waiting for the return of Italian MPs from the summer sun tanning, the president of council of ministers Renzi went to Iraqi Kurdistan promising weapons and material to the authorities. In the name of the whole European Union, he pledged a wide military backup for the imperialist offshoots on site which, once the “pax” around the water and oil resources now controlled by the ISIS is secured, could turn the guns against the Kurdish revolutionaries and eventually also against Baghdad’s regular army, in this way tremendously increasing the ethnic conflict among factions. In addition to this, the diffusion of the recording of the US journalist beheaded by the hands of an ISIS guerrilla arrived to stir up the idea of a new military aggression directed against Syria beyond the Atlantic Sea. At the same time in Europe, it makes the terrorism alert rise to post-September 11 levels upon the advice of the intelligence services. All of this is required for the promotion of new potential interventions in the area and for the diffusion of fears and control over the continent. It is clear that any potential military operation in Syria will be the indirect political tool, or also even the explicit initiative, to destroy the political hypothesis embodied by the counter-institutions of Rojava.

But the world in 2014 is not a world for the “endless war” of Bush anymore, and in the Mediterranean macro area there are not just wars and massacres led by military giants against a defenceless civilian population, cornered and helpless. There is actually Gaza, that heroically resists the Sionist assassin rampage, there is Rojava that self-rules and self-defends itself and there is that extraordinary space of possibilities opened up by the 2011 revolutionary processes. A space which, in the current relative latency, is waiting to arise again – filled with all those unresolved contradictions that produced the first transnational uprising. The King Stooge of the White House, with his face covered by the blood spurts of Ferguson, will continue to teeter along with his allies on a strategy that can guarantee him results in the shortest term but that on a medium and long term appears to be blind or completely absent. It is the world of the capitalist system in crisis where, in its multipolarity, a new space of possibilities – revolutionary ones, that is – has made its way. The questions that emerged from the revolutionary processes have not found any general ready-made answers adequate to the level of the clash. One among many and mostly tied to the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean, the partisan function-organization that bounced up to Southern and Balkan Europe, forces us to face the problem of experimenting a renewed internationalism on a level with the challenge. But all this does not makes us waver from being partisans of the great Gaza resistance and of the powerful military and political counterattack of Rojava, because a chance for peace – true peace – starts with their, our, victory!




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