The October 19 movement starts to scare them!
[Italian] Massive judiciary operation at dawn in the capitol: 7 comrades under house arrests and 10 daily requirements to sign-in
Three days after the great national assembly that revamped the struggles’ agenda for the coming spring – with the call for a national demonstration against austerity policies next April 12 – the Roman police intervenes with a heavy hand against the housing struggle movement and the antagonist political subjectivities that followed and supported the common path against the waste of the great unnecessary works, for housing, income and dignity for all…a proof that this movement is really starting to scare them!
17 disciplinary actions have been issued against comrades renowned for their commitment. The range of the subjects striken by these actions reflects all the heterogeneity and the mestizo character of which this movement is made of: along with Paolo di Vetta (Blocchi Precari Metropolitani-Precarious Metropolitan Blocs) and Luca Fagiano (Housing Struggle Coordination), there are comrades from the occupied social spaces Acrobax and Alexis, house squatters…7 of them have been put under house arrests (by bringing up serious issues in regard to the possibility of being domiciled in the occupied residences in which many of them live), other 10 are required to daily sign-in.
The notified charges concern the usual panoply through which the State punishes social struggles: resistance, violence against a public official, combined with “robbery” for taking away shields and truncheons during the charges. The events in question are those of October 31, in which more than a thousand people laid siege to the State-Regions roundtable on housing emergency, just won by then thanks to the October 18 and 19 mobilizations.
The all-political character of these actions is proven by a parallel and similar police operation that hit other 10 Neapolitan comrades of the precarious workers Precari Bros under arrest (plus 15 others that suffered other restrictive measures, with mandatory residence) issued by the Neapolitan GIP (giudice per le indagini preliminari, a judge meant to act as a warrantor in the earlier stages of the criminal procedure) under request by the Public prosecutor’s office, even with the hypothesis of “participating in a criminal conspiracy aimed to commit crimes against public safety, order and administration”.
After an extraordinary assembly was called at the La Sapienza University in the morning, a press conference, with a demonstration to follow is scheduled at 3.30 pm at Porta Pia…stay tuned for more updates!
Freedom for Paolo, Luca, Mattia, Marco, Otmani, Ivano and Federico!
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